mari berkawan dengan orang iran

farid fadhly: i owe u 40rm
Farhad Pourkalbassi: But you remebered now.
Farhad Pourkalbassi:
farid fadhly: i'll give u next week
Farhad Pourkalbassi: Even if you didn't pay it is HALAL from me
farid fadhly: just remind me in class
Farhad Pourkalbassi: Our frienship values more than these numbers
Farhad Pourkalbassi: Ok
farid fadhly: business is business, farhad

Farhad Pourkalbassi: Farid, what are u doing daily after office, ( if it is not private question )
Farhad Pourkalbassi: Do you like to go outside together sometimes?
farid fadhly: no problem
Farhad Pourkalbassi: I am interested to understand your culture and your people more than this
Farhad Pourkalbassi: But I am not sure if you are busy or
Farhad Pourkalbassi: You are interested at all

p/s= sbb orang iran xdehal kalau kita hutang dia rm40. =)


Anonymous said…
aku pon ade kwn begitu juge.
tidak kesah membelaje rakan2
kalo xkasik die baya siap tanak kwn lg.
org2 dr situ mmg mulia ati la.kwn aku dr yaman tp.
mari bersahabat dgn mereka.
tapi kat negara2 lain, kaum2 arab adalah sgt pembelit.kalau diorang buat baik, mesti ade makne. tp maybe kawan ko tak macam tu kot.
Amar B. said…
yelah batek, aku bayar laa...
Ariff Halim said…
oh.kau skrg hang out dgn org iran je kn?

dgn aku xnak plak kn?

Ceera said…
buat2 baik kot, hehehe... suka pikir -ve tau aku nie...
Jed Sulaiman said…

aku patut jual takaful kat org iran

kalau rm40 x berkira

ape la sgt rm400k ye x

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