mintak aku.kalau mau.

Mat razi jerit2.Abang zidan pandang."Mak ko pompuan murahan!",Mat razi ckp.sambil main picit2.Abang zidan ckp,"mulut kau jage sket Mat razi.lebih a nih".Abang zidan blah.Tp die pk dua kali."x bole jadiknih".Abang zidan patah balik lalu menanduk dada Mat razi."aduh! tuan reff!! tuan ref!!" jerit Mat razi.kesakitan.

Amcm..abeh menggelabah x cite aku kat atastu?? hahha.Aku aritu jumpe lagu zidane kat internet - coup de boule atau headbutt atau pape aa yg merujuk kpd perbuatan zidane itu hari aa.Aku rase2 cam cantek menarek je lagu nih..kalau masuk carta era bole dpt duduk atas nih..tapi..bawah mawi..dan..siti a kot.hahha

Skang ni aku dah abes buat keje.Kalvin-baca novel.kak fara-ilang.arin-xtau die buat keje ape.gigih je nampak.zu-die buat website die sendiri,sbb dh xtau nak buat ape.Hawa-main ym.ayin-main ym.

oh ye,Hawa dan ayin sedang berym sesama sendiri.

Coup de Boule

setelah di translate:

Watch out, it's the headbutt dance!
Headbutt to the right
Headbutt to the left

Go Blues!
Zidane, he hit [him], Zidane, he slapped [him] (Headbutt!)* 4x

The guido, he was hurt
Zidane hit [him]
The Italian's not doing well
Zidane slapped [him]
The ref saw it on the TV
Zidane hit [him]
But we lost the World Cup
We had a good laugh anyways

Zidane, he hit [him], Zidane, he slapped [him] (Headbutt!) 4x

Trezeguet didn't play
When he played he sucked
He screwed up everything
We lost the World Cup
Barthez didn't stop anything
And it's not even complicated
The sponsers are all angry
But Chirac was eloquent

Zidane, he hit [him], Zidane, he slapped [him] (Headbutt!) 4x

Watch out, it's the headbutt dance!
Headbutt to the right
Headbutt to the left
Headbutt to the front
Headbutt to the back

And now it's the penalty
Attention please, he's gonna shoot
One, two, three...he missed!

Zidane, he hit [him], Zidane, he slapped [him] (4x)

We had a good laugh anyways
Zidane and Trezeguet
We lost the World Cup
Zidane and Trezeguet (2x)

And Trezeguet...and Trezeguet...and Trezeguet-guet-guet
and Trezeguet
and Trezeguet
and Trezeguet

Lagu ni perli Trezeguet yg xde dlm starting lineup France dan bertangungjawab dlm kejadian x-score-penalty-dan-itali-menang.sian la pulak mamat tuh.hahha.jadi sape yg nak lagu nih,mcm tajuk yg aku letak tuh.
mintak aku kalau mau.

p/s=kepada si kacang,lepasni saya call anda.hahha.


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